
Sunday, October 3, 2010

3 Months

Dear Quinn,

While this blog has been neglected, I've still managed to take a picture of you every day for the past three months and I hope to eventually share them with the world. The good news is that I'm not blogging because I'm spending so much time with you and that's how it should be!

I can't believe my baby girl is already three months old! For some reason it seems like you were two months old forever. It wasn't an especially long month but we were very busy. You flew on an airplane four times in that month, one trip to Kentucky to see Mason, Torey and Grammie and one to Buffalo for cousin Erick's wedding. You got a passport, you rolled over front to back, you met your Great-Grammie, Uncle Tom and all of your Pardee great aunts plus some cousins. You've developed such a little personality and I feel like we are totally in sync. I can't say I have a 100% record of knowing what you want but now I'm pretty darn good at knowing when you're hungry, when you're tired, when you just want to cuddle and when you want to play. You're great at communicating!

You are also great at nursing now and I'm so happy about that. We struggled with thrush from week 4 to week 9 and that was truly awful for me. Thankfully, you never seemed to notice. Now I actually enjoy feeding you and look forward to it. It's such a nice change. You've also become pretty good at finding what you need, latching and going to town. It's awesome. I hope to continue this nursing relationship for a long time.

You still love your paci and we are very dependent on it around here. We're ok with it though. We like to see you happy and overall you are a pretty darn happy girl. My favorite time with you is in the morning. We usually have about an hour of play time when Daddy gets up for work and you wake up to eat. You are all smiles and coos and gurgles. We have little talks and hang out for awhile in my bed and then you get sleepy again and we go back to sleep with you by my side. I love snuggling with you and we both sleep so well when we're next to each other. You're also getting better at sleeping on your own though so now I'm trying to find a balance of you sleeping in the pack and play and sleeping in bed with me. I think we may transition you to your crib in the next few months but I'm really not in any hurry. I like having you close by.

We've been trying to figure out who you look like. I think you look like me, Grammie thinks you look like Daddy and some days you don't look like anyone. You just look like Quinn. My little muffin.

This coming month should be extra fun as you continue to 'wake up' and take in your environment. Three months is such a great age and we have so much to look forward to!

I love you to the moon and back, Baby Girl. I can't wait to watch you grow up, just don't go too fast, ok?
